

Proef! is a food lab encouraging food makers to innovate and co-create.

The Proef lab is equipped with a test kitchen and an incubator space. Its founder Maxime Willems offers all kinds of services, from developing new products to coaching for start-ups.

In a nutshell, Foodlab Proef is a one-stop shop for every food company, start-up, chef or bartender that is interested in creating the food concepts and trends of tomorrow.

Services of Proef!


MVP, product development and taste/learn events

Co-creative product development
One of the foodlab’s key values is co-creation. You come with the idea and concept and Proef puts his professional knowhow as a food developer to your disposal for further prototyping your product or start-up. Additionally, co-creation also means building a community platform to accelerate your business plan. To fasten the route to market Proef also focuses on R&D and particularly on accelerating the process to prototyping. The one-stop shop approach used by Proef gives members the opportunity to develop a product efficiently and optimally.

Minmial viable product
Are you a start-up looking for funding or a company looking for product discovery & engagement? Your first ‘customer’ is sometimes not who you think. Times are changing. Your first customer might be an investor or your board/department head. Elevator pitches are so 2022. We introduce the ‘Elevator Bite’. A Minimal Viable Product or prototype sprint to make your first customer drooling for more. Contact us for more details.

Taste & learn events
The test kitchen at the foodlab is fully adapted to organise tastings and quali tests. Proef will bring in the guinea pigs acting as co-makers and you receive the feedback you need to improve your product.

Contact Proef

Kitchen, lab and learning center

Test kitchen & the lab
Proef is all about tasting and testing, from concept to prototype. Use the test kitchen to accelerate the development of your product. It houses the newest equipment such as an ultrason, a rotavap, a roner, a centrifuge, a freeze drier, fermentation materials and measuring equipment. You’ll get inspired and fed with new ideas and (scientific) techniques. The lab, on the other hand, is where science and creativity meet. It is the place to develop culinary products and discover techniques to make the food of the future.

The food incubator space
For everyone who has a new food product, Proef can host your idea. The foodlab can serve as your first production site and provides the necessary means to build your business. Maxime Willems, the foodlab’s founder, is happy to assist you with your start-up or product and will provide the necessary means and space to build or accelerate your business.

The learning centre
The learning centre is the place where we communicate and share our knowledge and inspiration. Furthermore, Proef provides the perfect place to hold or follow workshops, demos and product presentations.

Contact Proef

Contact Proef for a 20 minute free consultation